Why Children Need Shared Parenting

Shared Parenting Studies & Resources
Shared Parenting Studies & Resources
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Shared Parenting Studies
Shared Parenting Studies
Dr. Linda Nielsen
Joint Physical Custody: Summary of 40 Studies on Outcomes for Children
Dr. Malin Bergstrom
Fifty Moves a Year: Is There an Association Between Joint Physical Custody and Psychosomatic Problems in Children?
Dr. William Fabricius
Young Adults Perspectives on Divorce Living Arrangements
Dr. Richard Warshak
Stemming the Tide: Consensus on Shared Parenting
InfoGraphic Sources:
Social Science Research
US Dept. of Health and Human Services
Child’s Bureau
Child Development Journal
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Census Bureau
National Principals Associations
Fulton County Georgia jail populations
Fabricius, 2003
Nielsen, 2014
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